InÖnite cake eating problem
One can generalize the problem like we want to calculate
t= 0
βtF(t,xt,xt+ 1 )!max
wherex 0 is given andT∞.If it is maximal and the optimum is at an
interior point then using that the same variablext+ 1 appears in two terms
∂xt+ 1 (t,xt,xt+^1 )+β
t+ 1 ∂F
∂xt(t,xt+^1 ,xt+^2 )=^0.
This is a second order di§erential equation called Euler equation. If
T<∞then we also have that
FxT+ 1 (t,xT,xT+ 1 )= 0.
In this case one can solve this equation with backward induction.