Mathematics for Economists

(Greg DeLong) #1

Cake eating problem

In the general case using the Fermat principle for the max

βTt^1 u^0 (cTt)=VT^0 t+ 1 (wTt+ 1 )

By the Bellman equation

VTt+ 1 (w) = max
c 2 [ 0 ,w]

βTtu(c)+VTt+ 2 (wc)


= max
u 2 [ 0 ,w]

βTtu(wu)+VTt+ 2 (u)


By the Envelope Theorem

VT^0 t+ 1 (w)=βTtu^0 (wu(w))=βTtu^0 (cTt+ 1 )

βTt^1 u^0 (cTt)=βTtu^0 (cTt+ 1 )
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