as a major constraint. Approximate figures selected by the group for designing and
analyzing will serve the purpose.
4.Groups- 3 and 4
4.1 Group 3 will undertake a cost-benefit analysis on the case study, entitled
'The Demodas valley flood control scheme' by Ajit K. Dasgupta and D.W.
4.2 Group 4 will undertake a cost-benefit analysis on the case study, entitled
'The Damodar valley Flood control scheme' also by Ajit K. Dasgupta and
D.W. Pearce
4.3 In order to make an effective analysis the groups should refer to the
reading materials in Learning Unit-3.C.
4.4 There will be sufficient time for discussion and preparation of visual aids.
Approximately 30-40 minutes will be available for presentation and
4.5 All the groups will list out the learning points in the plenary.