- Targets
Under each variable spell out the targets.
If the targets are intangible (not measurable), mention the targets in terms of positive
statement. If possible, incorporate the figures for 3 years. That means, there must be 5
columns i.e., first three columns for the previous three years, the 4th column for the
current year with two sub columns covering both the original and revised targets, and the
5th column for the ensuing year.
- Budget
List out budgetary details separately for manpower budget and the details of non-salary
budget, both under plan and non-plan. The details of capital outlays and loans, if any,
shall also be mentioned. It shall contain the column wise details for the previous three
years, current year budget with the sub columns for original and revised estimates and the
estimates for the next year. The detailed head wise, i.e., objective classification shall be
- Organisation Chart
Mention the details of organization right from the Head of the responsibility Center with
cadre wise strength. Also, mention the job chart of the staff, with the details of authority
and responsibility. Under the job chart list out the events and list out the activities under
each event. For each activity, prepare a checklist.
- Infrastructure Facility
The existing strength of the department in terms of buildings, machines, furniture and
other equipment etc., with the details of there condition shall be mentioned.
- Constraints
The specific constraints experienced in the past three years and the anticipated constraints
and limitations shall be mentioned. For example, the work load, lack of equipment,
support, lack of training to operate new machinery, etc.
- Co-Ordination
The expected level and areas of co-ordination with other organisations shall be
mentioned here.