2.10 With reference to the visual aid faculty may explain the:
ó Meaning of Zero Base Budgeting and its historical background
ó Scope of application
ó Methodology for preparation of Zero Base Budgeting
ó Identification and elimination of duplicate/multiple items of expenditure
ó Alternative strategies for cost reduction.
ó Examples of successful applications, as well as failures.
Visual Aid - 23: Decision Package
Decision Package
ó Name
ó Account
ó Duration
ó Functions
ó Objectives and Targets
ó Events and activities.
ó Relevance and Questions
ó Measurement
ó Funding level
ó Methods
2.11 Faculty to explain the designing of decision package with reference to the
reading materials.
2.12 This will be followed by activity described for Group 2 in the section of Group
Activities in Learning Unit 3.
- Cost Benefit Analysis
3.1 At the end of this learning unit, the participants will be able to:
ÿ Identify and value the items of costs and benefits.
ÿ Undertake compensation analysis
ÿ Comprehensively use the Externalities Theory in respect of social goods.
ÿ Identify and use Social Rate of Discount for cost benefit analysis.
ÿ Undertake Risk and Uncertainty Analysis for decisions relating to social
ÿ Do cost-benefit analysis with reference to given cases.