- Liquidity preference Theory
21.1 Investors have a preference for liquidity. So they ask for a higher yield as an
inducement to hold bonds of longer maturity.
- Default Premium
22.1 Because of the possibility that corporate bonds may default on interest and/or
principal payment, investors will ask for a default premium, in addition, of course,
to the maturity premium. The default premium is a direct function of default risk.
The credit rating agencies considers:
a) Volatility of its operating income.
b) Ratio of outside liabilities to shareholders funds
c) Assets offered as security
22.2 Default premium tend to increase during economic recession and decrease during
economic expansion.
- The effect of special features on interest rates is expected to be as follows:
- A 'call' feature raises the interest rate because the investors are exposed to
call risk. - A 'put' feature lowers the interest rate because the investors enjoy the put
option. - A 'conversion' feature lowers the interest rate because the investors enjoy
the option to convert. - A 'floating interest rate' feature may lower the interest rate as investors are
protected against inflation risk. - A 'zero coupons' feature may lower the interest rate as investors are
protected against reinvestment risk.
- A 'call' feature raises the interest rate because the investors are exposed to
- Determinants of interest Rate
- Inflation rate
- Real growth rate
- Time preference
Short term risk free rate
Maturity Premium
- Future
expectation - Liquidity
preference - Preferred habitat
Default Premium
- Business Risk
- Financial Risk
- Collateral
Interest rate
Special Features
- Call/put feature
- Conversion feature
- Other features