Day 8
Learning Unit - 7
Forenoon and afternoon Session
Time &
Activities/Process Support and Role of
9.30 a.m. to
5.30 p.m.
Focus on 15
problems and
two cases
Case on guns
Case on
Recap on L.U.6.
Commencement of LU 7
International Financial Management.
Faculty to make a brief presentation on
BOP, exchange rate theories, hedging and
translation exposure, currency adjustment,
IMF and IBRD functions, EMS, Foreign
exchange market Euro currency market
and risks in international operations.
Group activity:
- Group work will be assigned to the
existing 4 groups. - Participants will be required to read/
study the reading materials in LU 7
and to use references to solve specific
problems. - 15 problems and 2 case studies will be
supplied to the participants (the details
are available in the handout on ‘group
activities’ in LU-7)
As far as the case studies are concerned,
the groups must make specific
recommendations about the manufacture
and purchase of guns, and hiring or
purchasing of helicopters along with
financial implications.
Groups will develop visual aids for
Summing up of the 8th day proceedings.
Faculty to use the visual
aids indicated in the
handout “Instructions to
Faculty” in LU 7.