The estimated returns Machine A are as follows.
First year Rs.0.50 Lakhs
Second year Rs.0.50 Lakhs
Third year Rs.0.60 Lakhs
Forth year Rs.0.60 Lakhs
Fifth year Rs.0.50 Lakhs
The details of Machine ‘B’ are as follows:
ÿ Initial cost of Machine ‘B’ Rs.5.00 Lakhs
ÿ O & M expenses
- First year Rs.0.20 Lakhs
- Second year Rs.0.20 Lakhs
- Third year Rs.0.30 Lakhs
- Forth year Rs.0.35 Lakhs
- Fifth year Rs.0.40 Lakhs
- Sixth Year Rs.0.45 Lakhs
The life span of Machine 'B' is 6 years. The salvage value at the end of the 6th
year is Rs.0.80 Lakhs.
The estimated returns on machine ‘B’ are as follows.
I Year 0.70 Lakhs
II Year 0.70 Lakhs
III Year 0.65 Lakhs
IV Year 0.60 Lakhs
V Year 0.55 Lakhs
VI Year 0.50 Lakhs.
Apply DCFT for a purchase decision.
- The Tasks: IRR
Groups III and IV
Calculation of IRR to assess the viability of the project.
A farmer intends to make investment of Rs.20, 000 in a project involving
Construction of a small shed, purchase of tools and equipments, and installation
of oil ghani (crushing machine) with 2 HP (4 bull expeller) motor, including
fitting charges. The oil ghani has a life of 10 years, at the end of which its salvage
value will be Rs.1,000. His opportunity cost is 18%. For each year, the farmer’s
estimated earnings and costs associated with the project will be as follows :