- Cost of equipment B is Rs.18,00,000, and
- Cost of equipment C is Rs.17,00,000
1.24. All the equipment will serve a common purpose i.e., utility. The life span of
each equipment is 5 years.
1.25. Based on initial costs only, the obvious decision would be in favour of
purchasing equipment āCā since it costs least. However, if we apply DCFT
and consider information under indicators like Returns, Operation &
Maintenance expenses and Salvage Value, the decision would clearly be
different. Let us see, how this technique can be applied. Following are the
technical estimations regarding Returns, Operation & Maintenance expenses
and Salvage Value.
Equipment A B C
Initial Cost Rs 19,00,000 Rs 18,00,000 Rs 17,00,000
Year O&M Returns O&M Returns O&M Returns
I 10,000 800,000 12,000 800,000 14,000 700,000
2 11,000 800,000 13,000 700,000 14,000 700,000
3 12,000 700,000 14,000 600,000 14,000 600,000
4 12,500 600,000 14,500 500,000 14,000 500,000
5 13,000 500,000 15,000 400,000 14,000 300,000
Salvage value at the
end of the 5th year
1.26. Now calculate the present value at the Discount Factor of 20 %
Equipment A :
Present Value of estimated cash outflow is:
19,00,000 + (10,000 X 0.8333) + (11,000 X 0.6944) + (12,000 X 0.5787) +
(12,500 X 0.4823) + (13,000 X 0.4019) = Rs.19,34,169.
Present value of estimated cash inflow is:
(800,000 X 0.8333) + (800,000 X 0.6944) + (700,000 X 0.5787) + (800,000 X
0.4823) + (500,000 X 0.4019) + (200,000 X 0.4019) = Rs.21, 97,960
Net present value is equal to benefits in terms of present value minus cost in terms
of present value. That means that in this case: NPV = 2, 63,791