8.3.11Starting from Equations (8.3.9), (8.3.11), and
(8.3.12), show that equations (8.3.13) through
(8.3.15) hold forro→∞.
8.3.12Consider the CC BJT amplifier circuit shown in
Figure 8.3.2(a) withR 1 =150 k,R 2 =150 k,
RE=2k, RL=3k, andVCC=10 V. The
BJT hasβ= 100 ,ICQ= 1 .2 mA, andVA= 75
V. DetermineRi,Rin,Av 1 , andAi.
8.3.13Develop a formula for the power gainAPfor a
common-collector stage if the power gain of an
amplifier stage is defined as the ratio of the load
powervLiLto the power delivered by the stagev 1 is.
(See Figure 8.3.2 for notation.)
8.3.14In the CC amplifier stage of Figure 8.3.2(a), letR 1
=32 k,R 2 =22 k,RE= 400 ,RL= 250 ,
andVCC=9 V. Given thatVA=70 V,β=50, and
ICQ=4 mA for the BJT, findRi,Rin,Av 1 , andAi.
*8.3.15Obtain an expression for the power gainAPfor
a common-base stage if the power gain of an
amplifier stage is defined as the ratio of the load
powervLiLto the power delivered by the source
v 1 is. (See Figure 8.3.3 for notation.)
8.3.16Show that Equation (8.3.17) holds for the circuit
of Figure 8.3.3(b).
8.3.17Consider the CB BJT amplifier circuit shown in
Figure 8.3.3(a), withRC=1k, RL=6k,
andRin= 20 . The transistor parameters are
given byβ= 60 ,VA=70 V, andgm= 0 .03 S.
FindRi,RE,Av 1 , andAi.
8.3.18Consider the CE BJT amplifier circuit shown in
Figure P8.3.18. In order to make it into a common-
base amplifier, terminalsaandbare connected
together, and capacitorCEis disconnected from
ground and used to couple a signal from a source
to the emitter. DetermineRi,Rin,Av 1 , andAi.
8.4.1For the CS JFET amplifier circuit of Figure
8.4.1(a),RD=2kandRL=3k. The JFET
withro=15 khas a voltage gainAv 1 =− 4. 5
when the entire source resistance is bypassed. Find
8.4.2Considering the CS JFET amplifier circuit of Fig-
ure 8.4.1(a), a portion of the source resistance
RSSin the JFET CS stage is sometimes left unby-
passed. LetRSS=RSS 1 +RSS 2 in whichRSS 1 is
that portion ofRSSthat is not bypassed andRSS 2 is
that part ofRSSthat is bypassed. Find expressions
for the amplifier voltage gainAv 1 and the current
gainAi. Comment on the results, particularly with
reference to Equations (8.4.3) and (8.4.4).
8.4.3The common-source amplifier of Figure 8.4.1(a)
withRL = 300 , RD = 150 , andRSS=
100 (fully bypassed) has a JFET withVA= 80
V,ro=2k, andVP=4V.
(a) ComputegmandIDSSif the voltage gain is
− 2 .8.
(b) If the voltage gain is to be reduced to− 1. 4
by leaving part ofRSSunbypassed, findRSS 1 ,
which is that portion ofRSSthat is not by-
*8.4.4Consider Figure 8.4.1 (a) of a CS JFET ampli-
fier withR 1 =330 k, R 2 =110 k, RD =
1k, RSS=1k, RL=1k, IDQ=6 mA,
VA=90 V,VP =4 V, andIDSS =20 mA.
ComputeRin,Av 1 , andAi.
Input 9000 Ω
30,000 Ω
250 Ω
750 Ω C
1000 Ω
9 V
ICQ = 5 mA
β = 150
vA = 50 V
Figure P8.3.18