
(Joyce) #1

Data gathering with various sensors and data reduction have become much easier, automatic,
and quite sophisticated due to the advent of the computer, since the computer can monitor many
inputs, process and record data, furnish displays, and produce control outputs.

or stimulus


with interface

transducerSensor or conditioningSignal Sampling

Figure 12.7.1Block diagram of measurement system using a sensor.


12.1.1(a) Show by applying Ampere’s circuital law
that the magnetic field associated with a long
straight, current-carrying wire is given by
Bφ=μ 0 I/( 2 πr), where the subscriptφde-
notes theφ-component in the circular cylin-
drical coordinate system,μ 0 is the free-space
permeability,Iis the current carried by the
wire, andris the radius from the current-
carrying wire. What is the net force on the
wire due to the interaction of theB-field
(produced by the currentI) and the currentI?

(b) A magnetic force exists between two adja-
cent, parallel, current-carrying wires. LetI 1
andI 2 be the currents carried by the wires
andrthe separation between them. Use the
result of part (a) to find the force between the
wires. Discuss the nature of the force when
the wires carry currents in the same direction,
and in opposite directions.

*12.1.2A rectangular loop is placed in the field of an in-
finitely long straight conductor carrying a current
ofIamperes, as shown in Figure P12.1.2. Find

an expression for the total flux linking the loop,
assuming a medium of permeabilityμ.
12.1.3Consider a conducting loop of lengthland width
w, as shown in Figure P12.1.3, rotated about its
axis (shown by the broken line) at a speed ofωm
rad/s under the influence of a magnetic fieldB.
(a) Obtain an expression for the induced emf,
assuming the angleθmis zero att=0 and
(b) If a resistorRis connected across terminals
a–a′, explain what happens and how the prin-
ciple of energy conservation is satisfied.
12.1.4A coil is formed by connecting 15 conducting
loops, or turns, in series. Each loop has length
l= 2 .5 m and widthw=10 cm. The 15-turn
coil is rotated at a constant speed of 30 r/s (or
1800 r/min) in a magnetic field of densityB= 2
T. The configuration of Figure P12.1.3 applies.
(a) Find the induced emf across the coil.
(b) Determine the average power delivered to
the resistorR= 500 , which is connected
between the terminals of the coil.

× × × × × × ×
r 1

r 2



I × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × ×

Figure P12.1.2
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