
(Joyce) #1

(b) When the load is completely removed with-
out change of excitation currents.
13.4.16The external-characteristics data of two shunt
generators in parallel are given as follows:

Load Current, A: 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Terminal voltage I, V: 270 263 254 240 222 200 175
Terminal voltage II, V: 280 277 270 263 253 243 228

Calculate the load current and terminal voltage
of each machine.
(a) When the generators supply a load resistance
of 6.
(b) When the generators supply a battery of emf
300 V and resistance of 1.5.

*13.4.17A separately excited dc generator with an
armature-circuit resistanceRais operating at a
terminal voltageVt, while delivering an armature
currentIa, and has a constant lossPc. Find the
value ofIafor which the generator efficiency is
a maximum.
13.4.18A 100-kW, 230-V, dc shunt generator, withRa=
0. 05 , andRf= 57. 5 has no-load rotational
loss (friction, windage, and core loss) of 1.8 kW.
(a) The generator efficiency at full load.
(b) The horsepower output from the prime
mover to drive the generator at this load.

13.4.19A dc series motor, with a design constantKa=
40 and flux per pole of 46.15 mWb, operates at
200 V while taking a current of 325 A. The total
series-field and armature-circuit resistances are
25 and 50 m, respectively. The core loss is 220
W; friction and windage loss is 40 W. Determine:
(a) The electromagnetic torque developed.
(b) The motor speed.
(c) The mechanical power output.
(d) The motor efficiency.
13.4.20A 230-V dc shunt motor delivers 30 hp at the shaft
at 1120 r/min. If the motor has an efficiency of
87% at this load, find:
(a) The total input power.
(b) The line current.
(c) If the torque lost due to friction and windage
is 7% of the shaft torque, calculate the de-
veloped torque.
13.4.21A 10-kW, 250-V dc shunt generator, having an
armature resistance of 0.1and a field resistance
of 250, delivers full load at rated voltage and
800 r/min. The machine is now run as a motor
while taking 10 kW at 250 V. Neglect the brush-
contact drop. Determine the speed of the motor.
13.4.22A 10-hp, 230-V dc shunt motor takes a full-
load line current of 40 A. The armature and field
resistances are 0.25 and 230, respectively. The
total brush-contact drop is 2 V, and the core and
rotational losses are 380 W. Assume that stray-
load loss is 1% of output. Compute the efficiency
of the motor.
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