
(Joyce) #1



4 πAe


whereλis the wavelength being transmitted (or received), andAeis theeffective apertureor
effective areaof the antenna. Power amplifiers are needed to overcome the radio-transmission
loss just as in a transmission-line system. Similar considerations hold foropticalradiation, in
which the electromagnetic wave takes the form of a coherent light beam.
Radio transmission is inherently abandpassprocess with a limited bandwidthBnominally
centered at the carrier frequencyfc. Thefractional bandwidth B/fcis a key design factor with
a general range of 1/ 100 ≤B/fc ≤ 1 /10. It is obvious then that large signal bandwidths
require high carrier frequencies to satisfyfc≥ 10 B. You can reason why television signals
are transmitted atfcof 100 MHz, whereas AM radio signals are transmitted atfcof 1 MHz.
Since optical communication systems offer tremendous bandwidth potential on the order of 10^12
Hz, and a corresponding high information rate, they have become topics of current research
Antennas do not radiate power equally in all directions in space. Theradiation intensity
patterndescribes the power intensity (which is power per unit solid angle, expressed in units of
watts per steradian) in any spatial direction. Conceptually it is convenient to define anisotropic
antennaas a lossless antenna that radiates its power uniformly in all directions. Although an
isotropic antenna cannot be realized in practice, it serves as a reference for comparison with real
antennas. The radiation intensity for such an antenna, with input powerP, is a constant in any
direction, given byP/ 4 π. Thepower gain Gof a realistic antenna is a measure of the maximum
radiation intensity of the antenna as compared with the intensity that would result from an isotropic
antenna, with the same power input.Gis then expressed as


maximum radiation intensity
radiation intensity of isotropic source (with the same power input)


4 π(maximum radiation intensity)


Referring to Figure 15.1.5, when a powerPt/Ltis applied to the transmitting antenna, let us find
the signal powerSravailable to the receiver from the receiving antenna. An isotropic transmitting
antenna would cause a radiation power density (power per unit area of a sphere) of

Power density=

4 πR^2 Lt


For a practical antenna that has power gainGtand lossLtarelative to an isotropic antenna, Equation
(15.1.19) would be modified as

Power density=

4 πR^2 LtLta


We shall assume that the transmitting and receiving antennas (reciprocal elements) point directly
toward each other, so that their gains are maximum. LettingLchdenote any losses incurred by the
wave in the channel (medium), andArebe the effective area of the receiving antenna, the power
that the receiving antenna is able to produce is given by


4 πR^2 LtLtaLch


Accounting for the receiving antenna loss and receiving-path losses, a total system lossLcan be
defined as
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