
(Joyce) #1

identical paraboloidal antennas with pencil beam-
width of 1°, aperture efficiency of 0.8, and radi-
ation efficiency of 0.85. The transmitting station
hasPt=60 W andLt=2 at 8 GHz. WithLr=1.5
andLch= 2.5, find the diameter of the antennas and
the signal power available at the receiver input.
15.1.37Two stations (using identical antennas, with di-
ameters of 50λand aperture efficiencies of 0.6 at
35 GHz) are separated by 30 km. With negligible
antenna losses, antenna connection-path losses are
Lt=Lr=1.33 at a physical temperature of 285
K, while the antenna temperature is 85 K. The re-
ceiver at either station hasGa(f 0 )= 107 ,T ̄R= 250
K, andBN=12 MHz. The rain attenuation and
clear-air attenuation are given to be 3.9 dB/km
and 0.072 dB/km, respectively. Determine:
(a) The required output power to guarantee a sys-
tem signal-to-noise power ratio of 45 dB when
heavy rain falls over a distance of 6 km.
(b) The available noise power occurring at the
receiver output.
(c) The output signal power occurring with and
without rain, when the transmitted power
found in part (a) is used.
15.1.38If an antenna has an available noise power of

  1. 6 × 10 −^15 W in a 1-MHz bandwidth, find the
    antenna temperature.
    15.1.39Determine the effective input noise temperature
    of a long piece of waveguide (that connects an
    antenna to a receiver) with a loss of 3.4 dB at 12
    GHz and a physical temperature of 280 K.
    *15.1.40An antenna with an effective noise temperature of
    130 K couples through a waveguide that has a loss
    of 0.8 dB to a receiver. Find the effective noise
    temperature presented by the waveguide output to
    the receiver if the waveguide’s physical tempera-
    ture is 280 K.
    15.1.41If the antenna and waveguide of Problem 15.1.40
    feed a receiver for whichBN=10 MHz,Ga(f 0 )=

1012 , andT ̄R=300 K, determine the system noise
temperature andNaoat the receiver output.
15.1.42(a) An amplifier withF 0 =3 or 4.77 dB,f 0 =
4 GHz, andBN=14 MHz is used with an
antenna for whichTa=200 K. The connecting
path loss is 1.45, or 1.61 dB at a physical tem-
perature of 250 K. Find the available system
noise power.
(b) If the antennas of Example 15.1.5 are used
with the receiver of part (a), compute the
signal-to-noise ratio.
*15.2.1Find the number of possible station frequencies in
the AM broadcast system in the United States.
15.2.2Leta(t)=[ 1 +mAx(t)]andx(t)=cos 2πfmt,
fm<< fc, andxc(t)=A(t)cos 2πfct.
(a) WithmA=1, sketch one full period of the AM
wave and draw the envelope by connecting the
positive peaks ofxc(t).
(b) Repeat part (a) withmA=2, and notice that
the carrier is overmodulated and the envelope
does not have the same shape asx(t).
15.2.3Figure P15.2.3 illustrates a way to generate an
AM wave of the form of Equation (15.2.2), using
a nonlinear device and an appropriate bandpass
filter. Comment on the nature of the BPF to be
15.2.4If the nonlinear device in Problem 15.2.3 pro-
ducesz=ay^2 , determine how the system must
be augmented to obtain an AM wave in the form
of Equation (15.2.2).
15.2.5If the message has a spectrum


Kcos 2 πωWf, −Wf≤ω≤Wf
0 , elsewhere
whereKandWfare positive constants, sketch the
spectrum of a standard AM signal that uses the
message. Comment on the physical significance
ofKandWfin the modulation process.

Ac cos 2πfct

device BPF

x(t) = Am cos 2πfmtzy = y + ay^2 xout(t)

Figure P15.2.3
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