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Figure P15.2.28


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Figure P15.2.29

15.2.30An angle-modulated signal has the formu(t)=
100 cos[2πfct+4 sin 2πfmt], wherefc=10 MHz
andfm=1 kHz. Determine the modulation index
βforβpand the transmitted signal bandwidth,
withBFM= 2 (βf+ 1 )fmorBPM= 2 (βp+ 1 )fm,
(a) If this is an FM signal.
(b) If this is a PM signal.
15.2.31Letm 1 (t) andm 2 (t) be two message signals, and
letu 1 (t) andu 2 (t) be the corresponding modulated
(a) When the combined message signalm 1 (t)+
m 2 (t) DSB modulates a carrierAccos 2πfct,
show that the result is the sum of the two DSB
AM signalsu 1 (t)+u 2 (t). That is to say, AM
satisfies the superposition principle.
(b) Ifm 1 (t)+m 2 (t) frequency modulates a carrier,
show that the modulated signal is not equal to
u 1 (t)+u 2 (t). That is to say, FM does not sat-
isfy the principle of superposition, and angle
modulation is not a linear modulation method.
15.2.32Figure P15.2.32 shows an FM discriminator. As-
sume the envelope detector to be ideal, with an
infinite input impedance. Choose the values forL
andCif the discriminator is to be employed to
demodulate an FM signal with a carrier frequency
fc=80 MHz and a peak frequency deviation of 6

*15.2.33Let a message signalm(t) have a bandwidth of 10
kHz and a peak magnitude of 1 V. Estimate the

bandwidth, by using Carson’s rule, of the signal
u(t) obtained whenm(t) modulates a carrier with
a peak frequency deviation of:
(a)fd=10 Hz/V.
(b) 100 Hz/V.
(c) 1000 Hz/V.
15.2.34The operating frequency range of a superhetero-
dyne FM receiver is 88–108 MHz. The IF and LO
frequencies are so chosen thatfIF<fLO.Ifthe
image frequencyfc′must fall outside of the 88–
108-MHz range, determine the minimum needed
fIFand the corresponding range offLO.
15.2.35The television audio signal of Figure 15.2.29 is
frequency modulated with f=25 kHz and has
Wf∼=10 kHz. By usingWFM∼= 2 ( ω+ 2 Wf)
for ω >> Wf (for wide-band FM), find the
percentage of the channel bandwidth occupied by
the audio signal.
15.2.36Suppose that a video signal, havingW=5 MHz,
is transmitted via FM with f =20 MHz. For
1 / 100 ≤B/fc≤ 1 /10, determine the bounds on
the carrier frequency. UseWFM∼= 2 ( ω+ 2 Wf)
for ω >> Wf(for wide-band FM).
15.2.37A TDM signal, like that of Figure 14.2.9(b), is
formed by sampling 5 voice signals atfs=8 kHz.
The signal is then transmitted via FM on a radio
channel with 400-kHz bandwidth. Estimate the
maximum allowable frequency deviation f[use
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