
(Joyce) #1


Potentiometer Servoamplifier Servomotor

Js^2 + Fs

p Ka +Ksi Km

Ea Td

Figure 16.2.14Block diagram of servomechanism with integral-error control.




Js^3 +Fs^2 +Ks+Qi


whereQi=KiKpKmandK=KpKaKm, as defined earlier. Since the integral term stands alone
without combining with the viscous-frictionFterm (as was the case with error-rate and output-rate
controls), its influence on system performance differs basically from the previous compensation
schemes. Also note that the order of the system is changed from second to third, because of the
integral-error compensation. The inclusion of the integral term implies that a third independent
energy-storing element is present. The position lag error, which exists with error-rate and output-
rate control, disappears with integral-error control. This is a characteristic of integral control
which greatly improves steady-state performance and system accuracy. However, it may make
the dynamic behavior more difficult to cope with successfully.
Let us now present some illustrative examples.

EXAMPLE 16.2.1
Since dc motors of various types are used extensively in control systems, it is essential for
analytical purposes that we establish a mathematical model for the dc motor. Let us consider the
case of a separately excited dc motor with constant field excitation. The schematic representation
of the model of a dc motor is shown in Figure E16.2.1(a). We will investigate how the speed
of the motor responds to changes in the voltage applied to the armature terminals. The linear
analysis involves electrical transients in the armature circuit and the dynamics of the mechanical
load driven by the motor. At a constant motor field currentIf, the electromagnetic torque and the
generated emf are given by
Te=Kmia (1)
ea=Kmωm (2)
whereKm=kIfis a constant, which is also the ratioea/ωm. In terms of the magnetization curve,
eais the generated emf corresponding to the field currentIfat the speedωm. Let us now try to find
the transfer function that relatesm(s)toVt(s).


The differential equation for the motor armature currentiais given by



+Raia (3)
Ra( 1 +τap)ia=vt−ea (4)
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