
(Joyce) #1


Self and mutual inductance Section 1.2
Stored energy Section 1.2

  1. AC circuits
    Average and rms values Section 1.1
    Sinusoidal steady-state phasor analysis Section 3.1
    Impedance and admittance Section 3.1
    Complex power, power factor, and power-factor improvement Section 3.1
    Series and parallel resonance Section 3.4
    Quality factor and bandwidth Section 3.4

  2. Three-phase circuits
    Wye and delta circuits Section 4.2
    Real and reactive power Section 4.2

  3. Transients in circuits
    Transients in RL and RC circuits Section 3.2
    Natural and forced responses of first and second-order circuits Section 3.2
    Effect of nonzero initial conditions Section 3.2
    Time constants in RL and RC circuits Section 3.2

  4. Diode models and applications
    i–vcharacteristics of semiconductor diode Section 7.2
    Diode modeling and analysis of elementary diode circuits Section7.2
    Zener diode, its circuit model, and simple applications Section 7.2
    Half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits Section 7.2

  5. Operational amplifiers
    Amplifier block as a two-port device and its circuit model Section 5.1
    Ideal operational amplifier and its characteristics Section 5.2
    Analysis and design of simple amplifier circuits Section 5.2
    Applications of operational amplifiers Section 5.4

  6. Electric and magnetic fields
    Basic concepts Section 1.1
    Capacitance and inductance Section 1.2
    Coupled circuits and ideal transformer Section 1.2
    Magnetic circuits Section 11.2
    Transformer equivalent circuits Section 11.3
    Transformer performance Section 11.4

  7. Electromechanics and electric machines
    Basic principles of electromechanical energy conversion Section 12.1
    EMF produced by windings Section 12.2
    Forces and torques in magnetic-field systems Section 12.4
    Elementary concepts of dc and ac machines Section 13.1

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directly the NCEES, P.O. Box 1686, Clemson, SC 29633–1686.
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