Channel encoder, 628
Characteristic impedance, 672
Charge, 4
Charge carriers, 340
Charge-to-charge amplifier, 249
Chrominance signal, 704
Circuit analysis:
block diagrams, 166–68
case studies, 92–94, 178–79
frequency response, 171–73
MATLAB, 88–92, 173–77
Pspice and PROBE, 168–73
SPICE, 85–87
steady-state sinusoidal
analysis, 170–71
transient analysis, 168–70
controlled sources, 79–81
linearity, 81–83
mesh-current method, 75–81
nodal-voltage method, 71–75,
superposition, 81–83, 629
Thévenin and Norton equivalent
circuits, 67–71
time-dependent, 102–3
application, 178–79
computer-aided circuit
simulation, 168–77
frequency response, 154–68
Laplace transform, 102–3,
phasor analysis, 102, 103–24
transients, 124–42
wye-delta transformation, 83–84
Circuit breakers, 213
Circuits, 3
first-order, 133
second-order, 133
transients in, 125–42
Circular polarization, 682
Clip-on ammeter, 49
Clock, 719
Clocked flip-flop, 292
Closed-loop gain, 232
Closed-loop rectifier drives, 760
CMOS, 379, 435
CMOS circuit, 434, 435–36
CMOS inverter, 434
rejection ratio
Coaxial cable, 323
Coaxial transmission lines, 671–72
Code Division Multiple Access
(CDMA), 709
Coefficient of coupling, 33–34
Coenergy, magnetic field systems,
Coil, flux linkage in, 507
Collector cutoff current, 360
Collector-base junction (CBJ), 358
Color burst, 703
Color television receiver, 706–7,
Color television transmitter, 703,
704, 706
Combinational blocks, 274
Common-base (CB) BJT amplifier,
Common-base current gain, 360
Common-collector (CC) BJT
amplifier, 402–3
Common-drain (CD) JFET
amplifier, 407, 409
Common-emitter (CE) BJT
amplifier, 399–401
Common-emitter current gain, 360
Common-gate (CG) JFET amplifier,
Common-mode input signal, 237
Common-mode rejection ratio
(CMRR), 237
Common-mode voltage, 650
Common-source (CS) JFET
amplifier, 405–7, 408
Communication systems, 666–70
analog, 667, 684–86
amplitude modulation, 626–27,
685, 686–93, 698–99
cellular phone systems, 707,
709–10, 721
demodulation, 627, 640, 692,
FM stereo, 698, 699
frequency modulation, 626–27,
685, 693–98, 699
mobile radio systems, 707,
709–10, 721, 730
radio broadcasting, 626, 677,
678, 685, 700–702
TV broadcasting, 686, 702–7,
antennas, 676–85
components, 626
digital, 667, 710, 728–30
carrier modulation, 722–29
companding, 714
digital signal formatting,
elements of, 627, 628
fading multipath channels, 730
multiplexing, 719–22
pulse-code modulation (PCM),
quantization, 711–13
sampling, 643, 710–11
source encoding, 714–15
fiber-optic communication
systems, 667
frequency bands, 668–69
global positioning systems,
history of, 666–67
LTI systems, 629
noise, 683–85, 693, 728
satellite communication systems,
667, 722, 723
signal processing, 626, 627
transmission lines, 670–76
waveguides, 671, 674
waves, 670–71
wireless communication systems,
Communications networks, 320
Commutating poles, 596
Commutation, 596
Commutator, 518, 521, 595–96, 647
Commutator winding, 518
Compact disk player, 722, 723
Companding, 714
Compensating winding, 596
Compiler, 318
Complement operation, 274, 277
Complementary error function, 728
Complementary transistors, 375
Complementary-symmetry MOS.
Complex poles, 145–46
Complex power, 114, 455
Compoles, 596
Composition-type resistors, 17
Compound machine, 562
Compound semiconductors, 340
Computer hardware, 317
Computer networks, 320–25
architecture, 321–22
data transmission, 324
modems, 324–25
topology, 322, 323
transmission media, 322–23
Computer programs, 317–18
Computer software, 317
Computer systems, 316–20
Computer-aided circuit analysis:
frequency response, 171–73
MATLAB, 88–92, 173–77
PSpice and PROBE, 168–73
SPICE, 85–87
steady-state sinusoidal analysis,
transient analysis, 168–70
Computer-and-mobile phone
hybrids, 710
disk drive control system, 808
magnetic storage devices, 312–13
memory, 311–13
in power systems, 454
RAM, 312
ROM, 312
Conductance, 16
Conductivity, 16, 339
Conductors, 6–7, 17
Conical-horn antennas, 683
Conjugate complex poles, 145–46
Conservation of energy, 506