
(Joyce) #1


transmission, 677, 678, 679, 685,
RAM, 312
Raster scanning, 702
RC network, 155
Reactive power, 114, 455
Reactive volt-ampere (unit), 207
Read-and-write memory.SeeRAM
Read-only memory.SeeROM
Real poles, 145
Real power, 113, 455
Receiving antennas, 678
Rectangular pulse, 140
Rectification ratio, 759
Rectifier circuits, 357–58
Reference, of phasor diagram,
Reference node, 71
Reference point, 11
Reflector, antenna, 682
Registers, 296–98
Relative permeability, 472
Relay, 537
Reluctance-torque terms, 529
Reset, flip-flop, 293
Reset control, 795–96
Residential wiring, 212–15, 461–62
Resistance, 16–19, 49, 583
Resistance matching, 37
Resistance strain gauge, 53–54
Resistance voltage drop, 608
Resistance-split-phase motors,
Resistivity, 16, 17
Resistor-transistor logic.SeeRTL
Resistors, 16–19
color-coded bands, 17–18
power rating, 18
series and parallel combinations,
Resolution, 307
Reverse current, 341
Reverse resistance, 344
Reverse saturation current, 360
Revolving-field theory, 561, 576
Right-hand circular polarization,
Right-hand rule, 508
Ring counter, 298
Ring topology, 322, 323
Ripple counter, 298, 299, 300
Rise time, 426
ROM, 312
Rotating field, 523
Rotating machines:
concepts, 553–63
dc motors, 562–63, 594–609
induction motors, 563–82
synchronous machines, 555–58,
wind-energy-conversion systems,
Rotating magnetic fields, 522–23

Rotational voltage, 508
Rotor-resistance starting, 574
RTL, 430

electric shocks, 216
GFCI, 213–14
physiological effects of electric
current, 214, 216–17
residential wiring, 212–15
Safety codes, electric power, 214
Salient-pole rotor construction, 517
Sampled-data signal, 268
Sampled-data systems, 805, 806
Sampling, 627, 643–47, 710–11
Sampling frequency, 643
Sampling theorem, 643
Satellite communication systems,
667, 722, 723
Saturating logic families, 427
Saturation current, 341
Saturation mode, transistor, 358
Scaling, 81
Second-order circuits, 133
Secondary winding, transformer, 36
Segment displays, 314
Self-excited generators, 562
Self-inductance, 31
Semiconductor devices, 339
Semiconductors, 7, 339–40
application, 380
bipolar junction transistors,
compound semiconductors, 340
defined, 339
diodes, 340–58
doping, 340
field-effect transistors, 367–71
integrated circuits, 378–79
intrinsic semiconductors, 340
MOSFETs, 371–78, 379
n-type, 340
p-type, 340
resistivity, 17
Sensors, 541–42
Sequential blocks, 274, 290–95
Serial data transmission, 324
Serial-in parallel-out (SIPO)
register, 297
Serial-in serial-out (SISO) register,
297, 300
Series machine, 562
Series resonant frequency, 161
Servomechanism, 791–93
Session layer, OSI model, 322
Set, flip-flop, 293
Shaded-pole motors, 579–80, 581
Shields, 649

Shift-right register, 296
Short circuit, 22
Short-circuit current, 23
Short-circuit test, 486
Short-shunt compound dc generator,
Short-time rating, 540
Shunt generators, 597, 598, 609
Shunt machine, 562, 602
Shunt-field rheostat control, 604
Shunted-armature method, 605
Siemens (unit), 16, 163
Signal attenuation, 651, 652
Signal bandwidth, spectral analysis
and, 636–38
Signal multipath, 669
Signal processing, 625–59
antinoise systems, 658–59
communication systems, 626, 627
distortion, 638–39
encoding, 628
equalization, 639–40
filtering, 638–39
interference, 649–58
modulation, 626, 640–47
analog signals, 627, 641,
digital systems, 296, 299,
noise, 651–58
periodic signals, 629–36
radio, 626, 678, 679, 685,
sampling, 643–47, 710–11
signal bandwidth, 636–38
spectral analysis, 626–40
TV, 626
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 654
continuous, 625
discrete, 625–26
in noise, 654–58
spectral analysis, 626–40
Silicon, conductivity, 339–40
Simple poles, 145
Single phase circuit, drawback of,
Single-line diagrams, 458
Single-phase four-pole synchronous
machine, 517
Single-phase induction motors,
standard ratings, 582
Single-phase power systems:
concepts, 455–60
distribution, 460–62
generation, 460
power system loads, 462–66
transmission, 460
Single-phase three-wire service,
residential wiring, 461–62
Single-phase two-pole synchronous
machine, 514–15
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