Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

since the stay of execution of their sentences depended upon their compliance with the
On June 5, 1956, two FDA agents accompanied by a federal marshal arrived at
Orgonon to supervise the destruction of accumulators. They were met by Reich, Silvert, and
two Maine attorneys who were helping Reich to deal with the immediate problem of exe-
cuting the destruction.
Reich and Silvert informed the agents that most of the accumulators out on rental
had been sold to the users. Ten accumulators plus panels in need of repair for about twen-
ty-five more were in Sil vert’s possession in New York. There were only three accumulators
at Orgonon.
A contretemps then ensued as to who would destroy the three accumulators. Reich
and Silvert wanted the agents to take the ax themselves. The agents claimed the injunction
required the defendants to carry out the destruction. Reich and Silvert yielded on this point.
The agents then wanted the accumulators and panels in Silvert’s control in New York
returned to Rangeley and destroyed. They also asked that the sold accumulators be recalled.
One of Reich’s lawyers maintained that this did not have to be done since Reich and Silvert
had already been penalized by their sentence for these sales.
Jerome Greenfield has described Reich’s attitude during this discussion:

No doubt from Reich’s point of view all this discussion must have seemed
like a negotiation of surrender terms between two warring countries. Though he
made an effort to remain calm and reasonable, occasionally he broke out into bit-
ter accusations, got up, paced about, went out of the room briefly and returned.
“Their attitude,” the FDA memo of this operation stated, “seemed to be that of
martyrs. The Food and Drug Administration could take and destroy everything they

Moise and Tom Ross carried out the actual destruction.At first they tried to burn
the accumulators, but this proved impossible. Then, joined by Peter Reich, now twelve, they
took axes and began chopping up the accumulators and panels. In his book, Peter has given
a harrowing description ofReich’s emotions during the destruction and afterward. When the
accumulators had been axed, Reich said: “Well, gentlemen, are you satisfied now?” and Peter

He waited for a moment. It was perfectly quiet except for some crows on
the maple next to the barn.
“Would you like to burn it now?”
The marshall took his hands out of his pockets.
“No, Doctor, I think that will be sufficient.”
“Are you sure?”His cheeks were red and his eyes burned.
“Yes, Doctor, I think that is plenty.”

31 : The Destruction of Orgone Energy Accumulators and the Burning of Reich’s Publications 425

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