Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. I am following here the analytic framework provided by Boadella, Ch. 8.

3.CB, Ch. VI.

  1. W. Edward Mann and Edward Hoffman,The Man Who Dreamed of Tomorrow(Los Angeles:
    Tarcher, 1980).

5.CB, Ch. VI.

  1. See Chester M. Raphael and Helen MacDonald, “Orgonomic Diagnosis of Cancer
    Biopathy,”OEB, IV, 1952. In the text I imply that this material is “available,” but I am using
    the word only in its loosest meaning. Copies of this Bulletinwere destroyed by the FDA, like
    so many other writings by Reich and his associates. This material is only available in the
    libraries of some major cities; more available similar material can be found in an article on
    the Reich Blood Tests by Courtney Baker, et aL,JO, 15, 1981.

7.CB, Ch. VI.

  1. Boadella, Ch. 8.

  2. Ibid.

10.CB,Ch. X.


  1. Ibid.


  1. Ibid.

  2. Ibid.

16.These studies have been summarized by Boadella,Ch. 7, and by Mann and Hoffman,
Ch. IV.

17.R.W. Bartrop, et al, “Depressed Lymphocyte Functioning in Bereavement,”Lancet,I,

  1. Boadella, Ch. 7.

19.CB,Ch. VII.

  1. Ibid.



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