Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Chapter 30: The Trial: 1956, p.414

I. Much of the material in this chapter is taken from notes I kept when attending the trial in

  1. My article from those notes was published in The Wilhelm Reich Memorial Volume
    (Nottingham, England: Ritter Press, 1958). I would like to thank Paul Ritter for giving me
    permission to publish much of the same material here. An earlier version of this chapter
    also appeared in Boadella, Appendix I.

2.JIOR, WR:BIO, 178.

  1. Greenfield, 217-218.

  2. Ibid, 219.

5.JIOR, WR:BIO, 179.

6.Ibid, 179-180.

7.WR,“Atoms for Peace versus the Hig: Address to the Jury,”Orgonomic Medicine,II,1956,

8.Greenfield, 226-227.

Chapter 31: The Destruction of Orgone Energy Accumulators and
the Burning of Reich’s Publications: 1956-1957, p.424


  1. Ibid, 244-245.

  2. Peter Reich, A Book of Dreams, 57-58.

4.FDA file.

  1. Greenfield, 250.


  1. Quoted in The Jailing of a Great Scientist in the U.S.A., 1956, a pamphlet by Raymond R.
    Rees and Lois Wyvell.

8.AC with Tom Ross, July 1976.

9.JIOR, WR:BIO,185.

10.Record of a Friendship, 417-418.


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