british poetry in the age of modernism

(Axel Boer) #1

de la Mare, Walter ( cont. )
‘Silence’ 120 – 121
‘Someone’ 119 – 120
de Man, Paul 57
Derrida, Jacques 63
Drinkwater, John 28 , 64

Eliot, T. S. 1 , 2 , 180
Davies and 131 , 146
de la Mare and 113 – 114
GeorgianPoetry and 10 , 11 , 61
Georgian poets and 28 , 34 , 51 – 53 , 58
Hardy and 5 , 169
Hulme and 34
individuality 58 – 59
Monro and 58
Owen and 5 , 183 – 184 , 189 , 199
poetic form and 26 , 58 , 62
Prynne and 7
Romanticism and 26 , 54 – 59
Schiller and 42 , 43 , 131
Wordsworth and 32 , 58 – 59
‘Reflections on Contemporary Poetry’
51 – 53
‘Reflections on Vers Libre’ 3
‘Tradition and the Individual Talent’ 3 , 11 ,
26 , 32 , 108
impersonality in 53 , 55 – 59
Thomas and 69
Yeats and 9 , 10
TheUseofPoetry 6

Flint, Frank 6 , 27 , 28 , 140 , 146
appreciation of Frost 32
criticises Pound 29 – 30
reviews Davies 145
Thomas on 65 , 77
formalism 12
relation to historical context 9 – 10
seealso prosody
fragment (literary form) 8 , 57 , 169
free verse 33 , 34 , 52
arguments for 3 , 24 – 25 , 44
division of form and content in 61 – 62
modernism and 7 – 8
relation to Georgian poetry 6 , 30
Yeats on 9 – 10
seealso organic form
Freud, Sigmund, 163
the uncanny 122 – 125
Frost, Robert 4 , 11 , 12 , 28 , 32 , 64
‘The Road Not Taken’ 99 – 100
see alsoThomas, Edward
Fussell, Paul 198
Futurism 6 , 28

Gasche ́ , Rodolphe 57
Georgian Poetry 4 , 10
principles of 8 , 23 – 24
relation to Wordsworth 24 , 52
Georgian poets, definitions of 4 , 33
membership of 1 , 2 , 64
naı ̈ve and sentimental dynamics 48 – 51
Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson 4 , 6 , 28 , 39 , 64 , 146
artificial simplicity of 49 – 50
directness in 24 , 29 , 31 , 33 , 38
Goldman, Jane 183
Graves, Robert 4 , 50 , 144 , 146
Gypsies, attitudes to 95 – 96 , 139
H. D. 30 , 146
‘Hermes of the Ways’ 47
Habib, M. A. R. 58
Hamilton, Craig 188
Hardy, Florence, on Thomas Hardy, 164
Hardy, Thomas 2 , 4 , 60
allegory and fragmentation in 168 – 169
anti-organic form 148 – 151 , 155 ,
169 – 170 , 181
architecture, 155 – 156
de la Mare and 125 , 151 – 152 , 166
deliberate style 153 – 155
indifference in, 169 – 179
modernism of 149 , 169 , 180 – 181
older generation of poets 5
Schopenhauer and 12 , 159 – 162 , 164 – 165
subscribes toPoetry and Drama 28
Thomas and 152 – 153 , 154
tragedy and melancholia in 160 , 164 – 169
vocabulary, novelty of 150 – 151 , 168
von Hartmann and 163 – 164
will/fate 156 – 159 , 170
‘After a Journey’ 178 – 179
‘At Castle Boterel’ 179 – 180
‘The Conformers’ 150
‘The Convergence of the Twain’ 158 – 159
‘The Curate’s Kindness’ 162
The Dynasts 163 , 164 , 167
‘The Going’ 172 – 174
‘He Never Expected Much’ 170
‘Her Dilemma’ 150
‘I Found Her Out There’ 177
‘In Childbed’ 150
‘In Front of the Landscape’ 168
‘Lament’ 178
‘Neutral Tones’ 170 – 171
‘The Night of the Dance’ 162
‘Rain on a Grave’ 177
‘Shut Out That Moon’ 151
‘A Sunday Morning Tragedy’ 162
‘To Shakespeare’ 147

222 Index

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