british poetry in the age of modernism

(Axel Boer) #1

Pound, Ezra, 1 , 2 , 28
Davies and 130 , 141 , 145
de la Mare and 119
Hardy, praise for 5 , 45 , 180 – 181
individualist views 39 – 41 , 54
poetic form and 24 – 25 , 53 – 54 , 60
relations with Georgian poets 6 , 27 – 34 ,
64 , 146
Schiller, influence of 42
Wordsworth and 32 – 34 , 74
works :
‘The Approach to Paris ...V’ 46
‘Credo’ 24
‘Imagisme’ (‘A Few Don’ts’) 45 – 47
‘Prolegomena’ 6 , 27 , 29
prosody and agency 12 – 13 , 23

rhetoric 6 – 7 , 7 – 12 , 34 , 51 – 52 , 181
modernist poetry and 59 – 61
Rhythm 6 , 38 , 140
Richardson, James 157
Ross, Robert H. 8
Rossetti, Christina G., 112 , 175
Ruskin, John 37

Schiller, Friedrich, 26
AestheticEducation 20 , 21 , 41
Kallias (Letters to Ko ̈ rner) 20
OntheNaı ̈veandSentimental 41 – 45 , 56 , 131
Schlegel, A. W. 41
Schlegel, F. 26 , 41 , 56 – 58 , 63 , 169
Schopenhauer, Arthur 159 – 161 , 162
sentimentalism 18
Shusterman, Richard 34
Sinclair, May 27 , 31 , 48
Squire, J. C. 4 , 5
Stead, C. K. 8
Stirner, Max 40
Surrealism 111 , 146
Symons, Arthur 96 , 166

Thomas, Edward 2 , 4 , 31
appears alongside modernists 28 , 146
auditory poetic 85 – 88
Brooke, opinion of 51
Davies and 129 – 130 , 144 , 146
enlisting 99 – 105
free verse and 7 , 60 , 65 , 78 , 79
Frost and 85 , 95 , 99 – 100 , 101 – 103
Georgian poets and 4 , 50 – 51 , 64 – 65 , 77 – 78
Hardy, relations with 153 , 154 , 166
Imagism, criticism of 76 , 77
Keats, criticism of 73
Lawrence, criticism of 65 , 78
Pater and 50 , 73 – 78 , 84 – 85 , 86 , 106

Pound, criticism of 11 , 77
speech and 84 – 86
suburbia in 91 – 92
superfluousness and 92 – 93 , 102
tramping/homelessness in 33 , 88 – 89 , 93 , 95 , 98
Verlaine and 12
Wordsworth and 95 , 102
works :
‘After You Speak’ 83 – 84
‘As the Team’s Head Brass’ 103 – 106
‘The Ash Grove’ 82 – 83
‘Aspens’ 70
‘Beauty’ 81
TheChildhoodofEdwardThomas 68 , 94
‘Ecstasy’ [MS] 68 – 70 , 75 – 76 , 80 , 88
‘The Gypsy’ 95 – 98
‘Home [ 1 ]’ 89
‘Home [ 2 ]’ 86 , 89 – 90
‘Home [ 3 ]’ 89
‘I Never Saw that Land Before’ 66 – 67
‘The Lane’ 90 , 100
‘Liberty’ 73 , 100 – 101
‘Man and Dog’ 98 – 99
‘The New Year’ 94 – 95
‘Old Man’ 70 – 71
‘Over the Hills’ 80 – 81
‘The Penny Whistle’ 93 – 94
‘Rain’ 71 – 73
‘Roads’ 101 – 103
‘The Signpost’ 67 , 100
‘Song [ 3 ]’ 103
‘The Unknown Bird’ 87 – 88
‘The Wasp Trap’ 82
‘When we two walked’ 81
‘Words’ 78 – 80
Tradition (literary term) 8 , 25 – 26
Tramp, The 138 – 140
tramping and vagrancy, attitudes to 134 – 136 ,
140 – 141
Walcott, Derek 1 , 2
Wheels(Edith Sitwell) 4
Wilde, Oscar 194 – 195
seealso Owen, Wilfred
Williams, Raymond 92
Wordsworth, William 8 , 11 , 32 – 34
Preface toLyrical Ballads 15 , 20 – 21 , 32 , 43
on repetition 71 , 72
‘Simon Lee’ 15 – 18 , 22 – 23
Yeats, John B. 39
Yeats, William Butler 11
dislike of Owen 5 , 10
A General Introduction for my Work 9 – 10
A Vision 10 , 60

224 Index

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