Clinical Psychology

(Kiana) #1
similar or opposite content. High VRIN scores
suggest random responding to MMPI-2 items.

  1. TRIN (True Response Inconsistency) Scale. This
    consists of 23 item pairs that are opposite in
    content. High TRIN scores suggest a tendency
    to give true responses indiscriminately; low
    TRIN scores suggest a tendency to give false
    responses indiscriminately.

These seven MMPI-2 validity scales provide a
means for understanding the test respondent’s moti-
vations and test-taking attitudes. For example,
attempts to present oneself in an overly favorable

light will likely be detected by the L (Lie) or K
(Defensiveness) scale (Baer & Miller, 2002; Baer,
Wetter, & Berry, 1992), whereas the tendency to
exaggerate one’s problems or symptoms usually
results in elevations on the F (Infrequency) and Fb
(Back-page Infrequency) scales (Berry, Baer, &
Harris, 1991; Rogers, Bagby, & Chakraborty,
1993; Wetter, Baer, Berry, Robison, & Sumpter,
1993; Wetter, Baer, Berry, Smith, & Larsen,
1992). Finally, the VRIN and TRIN scales are use-
ful indicators of random responding or answering
true (or false) to most items, respectively (Berry
et al., 1992; Tellegen & Ben-Porath, 1992).

instrument by using modern psychometric techniques
to develop new scales for the test.

What are the trends you see for clinical psychology?
The primary trend I see for clinical psychology is a
movement away from direct clinical service delivery.
Cost-containment pressures of managed care, coupled
with the absence of clear empirical evidence that
doctoral-level clinical psychologists are more effective
than less costly service deliverers such as master’s-level
counselors and social workers will likely result in fewer
clinical psychologists’working as full-time therapists in
either community agencies or private practices. Instead,
clinical psychologists will be called upon increasingly to
apply their training and expertise in research to assist in
program development and evaluation. Specifically, clin-
ical psychologists will become involved in developing
methods to identify treatment needs and to evaluate
treatment progress and outcome at the agencies or
organizations that employ them. In addition, clinical
psychologists will likely become increasingly involved in
forensic practice that requires the highest possible level
of training and expertise.

What are some future trends you see in MMPI
The most exciting trend I foresee for MMPI-2 research
and application is the increasing incorporation of
computer technology in administration, scoring, and
interpretation of the test. Presently, computer soft-
ware exists to accomplish all three of these tasks.
However, most testing with the MMPI instruments is
still conducted by paper and pencil and most interpre-
tation is done by individual clinical psychologists. When

a computer is used to administer the test, it serves as a
proxy for the conventional test booklet. In the future,
the MMPI instruments will be administered adaptively
in a manner that reduces the number of items to
those that are necessary to answer specific assessment
questions posed by the psychologist. Computers will
become essential in interpretation because of the
ever-increasing volume of data that must be con-
sidered in generating an empirically based test

Yossef S. Ben-Porath

Dr. Yossef S. Ben-Porath, Psych Prof @ Kent State Univ.

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