Clinical Psychology

(Kiana) #1

3 Current Issues in Clinical Psychology

3 Current Issues in Clinical Psychology


  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
    various models of training for clinical psychol-
    ogists? Why is a firm grounding in psychologi-
    cal science important for future clinical

  2. What obstacles face clinical psychologists who
    specialize in private practice?

  3. How will managed care affect the practice of
    clinical psychology? What advantages might

clinical psychologists have in a managed care

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
    obtaining prescription privileges? How might
    this pursuit affect graduate training?

  2. What technological innovations are likely to
    influence the practice of clinical psychology?

  3. What important diversity and ethical issues
    guide the practice of clinical psychology?


Models of Training in Clinical Psychology
The Scientist-Practitioner Model
The Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) Degree
Professional Schools
Clinical Scientist Model
BOX3-1:Clinical Psychologist Perspective:
Richard M. McFall, Ph.D.
Combined Professional-Scientific Training
Graduate Programs: Past and Future

Professional Regulation
BOX3-2:Graduate Student Perspective: Christine

Private Practice
The Costs of Health Care
Prescription Privileges
BOX3-3:Clinical Psychologist Perspective: Patrick
H. DeLeon, Ph.D., J.D.
BOX3-4:Clinical Psychologist Perspective: Elaine
M. Heiby, Ph.D.
Technological Innovations
Ambulatory Assessment
Computer-Assisted Therapy
Culturally Sensitive Mental Health Services
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