Health Psychology : a Textbook

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Smoking and

alcohol use


This chapter examines the prevalence of smoking and
alcohol consumption and evaluates the health
consequences of these behaviours. The history of theories of
addictive behaviours and the shift from a disease model of
addictions to the social learning theory perspective is then
described. The chapter also examines the four stages of
substance use from initiation and maintenance to cessation
and relapse, and discusses these stages in the context of the
different models of addictive behaviours. The chapter
concludes with an examination of a cross-behavioural
perspective on addictive behaviours and an assessment of
the similarities and differences between smoking and
drinking and their relationship to other behaviours.

This chapter covers:
➧ The prevalence of smoking and alcohol consumption
➧ What is an addiction?
➧ What is the 2nd disease concept?
➧ What is the social learning perspective?
➧ The stages of substance use
➧ Initiating and maintaining an addictive behaviour
➧ The cessation of an addictive behaviour
➧ Relapse in smoking and drinking
➧ A cross-addictive behaviour perspective

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