This chapter first examines the literature on sex, including
early discussions of reproduction and the debate about
sexual pleasure. It then focuses on the more recent literature,
which has examined the risks of sexual behaviour initially in
the context of pregnancy avoidance and subsequently in the
light of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)/HIV and AIDS.
This literature includes a variety of psychological
perspectives from the use of social cognition models, which
highlight the role of individual cognitions, to an emphasis on
an interaction between individuals in terms of the relationship
context. Finally the chapter outlines literature which
examines the broader social context in terms of educational
influences, the gay community, gendered power relations
and theories about sex, HIV and illness.
This chapter covers:
➧ Developing the contemporary perspectives on sex
➧ Sex as a risk and pregnancy avoidance
➧ Sex as a risk in the context of STDs/HIV and AIDS
➧ Sex as an interaction between individuals – adding the relationship
➧ The broader social context