The bar marked as 5 is pertaining to the complex faction
(^23) , and therefore, the code for
horizontal bar of a complex fraction is , that is sign of the bar of the simple fraction
preceded by dot 6, ( ) in the preceding cell. Similarly operation marked as 1 is the
opening parenthesis of the complex fraction and therefore written as , that is the
fraction open sign preceded by dot 6 in the previous cell. Similarly, the closing of the
complex fraction 6 is indicated by
That is how the operation is written as
Hyper-complex fractions also appear in the text. A hyper-complex fraction is a fraction in
which at least the numerator or the denominator is a complex fraction. The example of a
hyper-complex fraction is given as follows:
As the simple fraction opening sign preceded by dot 6 is called complex fraction opening,
a complex fraction preceded by dot 6 is called a hyper-complex opening. That means, a
simple fraction opening sign preceded by dot 6 in each of the two preceding cells is called
a hyper-complex fraction opening. The same logic is applied to hyper-complex closing
too. The following example illustrates the written expression of the hyper-complex
Understand this operation in the visual way too.
See that the operation is written as