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(singke) #1
that the meeting point of the line segments divides each other exactly into two halves
and thus the meeting point is a point of bisection for both the line segments.

  1. Equidistance
    If the distance between a particular point to a set of points is equal, then the points
    are said to be equidistant from the point considered. Provide the child with an embossed
    circle wherein the distance from the centre to any point on the circumference is
    always equal. Let the child be helped to measure the distance from the centre to any
    point on the circumference and on measuring the child will be able to understand that
    in all the cases the distance is equal and hence any point on the circumference of a
    circle is always equidistant from the centre.

  2. Point of contact
    When two circles touch either externally or internally the point at which they touch
    each other is called the point of contact. The point at which a circle and a tangent
    touch each other is also called as the point of contact.

The idea may be taught with the help of either two circular rings which touch each
other or a ring and a wooden strip placed suitably touching at a point may enable the
child to feel the point of contact and understand.

  1. Concurrent lines
    Three or more lines passing through the same point are said to be concurrent lines and
    the point at which they meet each other is called the point of concurrence.




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