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  1. Percentage
    A percentage is a fraction whose denominator is 100. The symbol for percentage is
    “%”. The word percent is an abbreviation for the Latin word “Percentum” which
    means per hundred or hundredths.

To convert a percent into fraction, multiply the given number by 1001 and write the
resulting fraction.

To convert a percent into a decimal remove the % symbol and move the decimal point,
two places to the left.

To convert a decimal into a percent, move the decimal point two places to the right
and insert % symbol. To convert a fraction into a percent, multiply it by 100%.

The idea of percentage may be explained orally with relevant text material in Braille.
The marks of the students in a particular test/examination may be converted to
percentage, if the particular test/examination is not for 100 marks. Also, enable the
child to understand that percentage of any mark scored out of 100 will remain the
same as the mark.

Eg. :

  1. Convert 38% into a fraction. 38% = 10038 =^5019

  2. Convert 16.5% into a decimal. 16.5% =^16100.^5 =^ 0.165

Module 57 : Percentage

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