Final Cover - For Printing

(singke) #1
Message from the Director
Overbrook School for the Blind

Overbrook is proud to release this publication with our colleagues at the International Council
for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) and we hope you will find it of value
in strengthening your ability to teach secondary level mathematics concepts to children with
visual impairment.

For as long as I have been involved in the education of children with visual impairment, the
teaching of mathematics has been a persistent challenge facing educators here in the United
States. As you read the introduction to this publications you will note that this is a challenge
facing many countries throughout the world. We hope this publication will be of assistance
to teachers, parents and students wherever they live in improving mathematics instruction.

Through our International Program here at Overbrook and our collaboration with The Nippon
Foundation (Japan) we have been able to work with a very talented and dedicated project
development team in creating this resource. Through this team we have been able to work
with hundreds of teachers in the Asia region to respond to this challenge and to develop this
publication. To all of these individual we express our thanks for their contributions.

We sincerely hope that this publication will assist countless children with visual impairment
throughout the world to master secondary level mathematics by providing their teachers and
parents with a resource that will improve instructional strategies.

As with all publications, we value your feedback. Both Overbrook and ICEVI look forward
to your comments on this publication.


Bernadette M. Kappen, Ph.D.

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