Islamic Finance

(Marcin) #1
Islamic Mortgages 49

Diminishing musharaka and English law

English law recognizes equity ownership and distinguishes between legal
ownership and equity ownership. The closest structures to diminishing
musharakaunder English law are co-ownership agreements.
Diminishingmusharakaandijarahome finance products will usually use
three main documents:

  1. The diminishingmusharakaagreement, which governs the relationship
    between partners (ie. the bank and the customer). In this agreement,
    the bank will have legal title, but the customer will have his beneficial
    interest (or equity) documented. The customer promises to purchase the
    bank’s share over the term of the contract. The customer share will
    increase by making monthly payments;

  2. The lease agreement, under which the bank leases its share to the
    customer for monthly rent. The rent will be calculated on the bank’s
    outstanding share in the property. The customer will be the leaseholder
    and by registering the lease at the land registry,the customer protects
    his right to occupy the house; and

  3. The charge agreement, through which the customer provides a charge
    over his share in the property and the lease with the bank. This is
    important to the bank to secure the ongoing payments. The charge
    document is the equivalent of the mortgage contract in conventional
    home finance products.

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