5.1 Minima, Maxima, Saddle points 73
Theorem 5.1.3 The extreme values for f(x,y) can occur only at
i. Boundary points of the domain of f.
ii. Critical points (interior points where fx = fy = 0, or points where fx or
fy fails to exist).
If the first and second order partial derivatives of f are continuous throughout
an open region containing a point (a,b) and fx(a,b) = fy(a,b) — 0, you may
be able to classify (a, b) with the second derivative test:
i- fxx < 0, fxxfyy - fL > 0 at (a,b)
ii- fxx > 0, fxxfyy ~ /Jy > 0 at (a,b)
in- fxxfyy - fc2^2 y<0 at (a,b)
iv- fxxfyy- fL = 0 at (a,b)
local maximum;
local minimum;
saddle point;
test is inconclusive (f is singular).
5.1.2 Quadratic forms
Definition 5.1.4 The quadratic term f(x,y) = ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 is positive
definite (negative definite) if and only if a > 0 (a < 0) and ac—b^2 >0.f has
a minimum (maximum) at x = y = 0 if and only if fxx(0,0) > 0 (/Xx(0,0) <
0) and fxx(0,0)fyy{0,0) > f^2 y{0,0). If f(0,0) = 0, we term f as positive
(negative) semi-definite provided the above conditions hold.
Now, we are able to introduce matrices to the quadratic forms:
ax^2 + 2bxy + cy^2 — [x, y)
a b
Thus, for any symmetric A, the product / = x^7 Ax is a pure quadratic
form: it has a stationary point at the origin and no higher terms.
xATx - [xi,x 2 ,--- ,xn]
aX2 •
"22 •
0-n2 •
- 0-in
- «2n
ann _
= anZj +a 12 xix 2 H V annx^2 n = ^ ^ ai}-XjXj.
i=l j=l
Definition 5.1.5 If A is such that a^- = dxJx. (hence symmetric), it is
called the Hessian matrix. If A is positive definite (xTAx > 0, Vx ^ 6) and
if f has a stationary point at the origin (all first derivatives at the origin are
zero), then f has a minimum.