5.3 Semidefinite Matrices 75
cTAx •• [xk,0] A* * k * Xk
= x\AkXk > 0.
If we apply (i) <=> (ii) for Ak (its eigen values are different, but all
are positive), then its determinant is the product of its eigen values
yielding a positive result.
(Hi) =$• (iv): Claim: If A = LDU, then the upper left corner satisfy Ak =
Proof: A Lk^0
Dk 0
0 E
0 G =
LkDkUk LkDkF
det Ak = det Lk det Dk det Uk — det Dk = d\ • di • • • dk =>
dk — fotA* (Pivot=Ratio of determinants). If all determinants are
positive, then all pivots are positive.
(iv) => (v): In a Gaussian elimination of a symmetric matrix U = LT,
then A = LDLT. One can take the square root of positive pivots
dt > 0. Then,
A = Ly/D~VDLT = WTW.
(v) =* (i):
xTAx = xTWTWx = \\Wx\\^2 > 0.
Wx = 6 => x = 9 since W is nonsingular.
Therefore, xTAx > 0, Vcc ^ 6. D
Remark 5.2.2 The above theorem would be exactly the same in the complex
case, for Hermitian matrices A — AH.
5.3 Semidefinite Matrices
Theorem 5.3.1 A real symmetric matrix A is positive semidefinite if and
only if one of the following holds:
i. xTAx > 0, Vx ^ 6;
ii. All the eigen values of A satisfy A; > 0;
Hi. All the submatrices Ak have nonnegative determinants;
iv. All the pivots (without row exchanges) satisfy d, > 0;
v. 3 a possibly singular matrix W 3 A = WTW;
Remark 5.3.2 xTAx >0o\i>0is important.
A = QAQT => xTAx = xTQAQTx = yTAy = Xxy\ + ••• + \nyl,
and it is nonnegative when Ai 's are nonnegative. If A has rank r, there are r
nonzero eigen values and r perfect squares.