Computational Aspects
For square matrices, we can measure the sensitivity of the solution of the linear
algebraic system Ax = b with respect to changes in vector 6 and in matrix
A by using the notion of the condition number of matrix A. If the condition
number is large, then the matrix is said to be ill-conditioned. Practically, such
a matrix is almost singular, and the computation of its inverse or solution of a
linear system of equations is prone to large numerical errors. In this chapter,
we will investigate computational methods for solving Ax = b, and obtaining
eigen values/vectors of A.
6.1 Solution of Ax = b
Let us investigate small changes in the right hand side of Ax = b as if we are
making a sensitivity analysis:
6 n> b + Ab => x i-»- x + Ax
A(x + Ax) = b + Ab& A(AX) = Ab.
Similarly, one can investigate the effect of perturbing the coefficient matrix
A\-^A + AA^-x^x + Ax
We will consider these cases with respect to the form of the coefficient matrix
A in the following subsections.
6.1.1 Symmetric and positive definite
Let A be symmetric. Without loss of generality, we may assume that we or-
dered the nonnegative eigen values: 0 < Ai < A2 < • • • < An. Since Ab is a
vector itself, it could be represented in terms of the basis formed by the asso-
ciated eigen vectors v\,V2,...,vn. Moreover, we can express Ab as a convex
combination because its norm is sufficiently small.