What Every BODY Is Saying : An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed Reading People

(Brent) #1

decoding, 6
decoding ten commandments of,
eye-blink frequency and, 183–84
eye-blocking as, 3
false/misleading, 15
human body giving off, 17–18
limbic systems responses of, 25–34
poker players understanding of, 6
successful life learning, 5
tells of, 4
the nose
flaring of, 197
touching of, 222
up gesture of, 202, 202–3

of body language/environment, 7–10,
concerted/contextual, 8–10
of human beings, 17
offensive gestures, of hands, 139–41
orbicularis oculi, 186–87

pacifying behaviors, 34–49
discomfort responses and, 218–22
of face, 45
guidelines of, 49–50
increased use of, 219
in investigative interviews, 37, 218–22
leg cleansing as, 46–47
of neck, 42–43, 43
of self-administered body-hug, 48–49
stress linked to, 50
threatening experience followed by,

types of, 39–42
as ventilator, 47–48, 49
of women, 38–39
palm-up position, 228
patience, in interviews, 220
pensive displays, 225
personality, borderline, 129
personal space, 33–34
pheromones, 197
physical appearance, 100
of hands, 142–43
preening and, 101
physical contact, lying and, 215
poker face, 56
poker players, 6
police officers, 122
politician’s handshake, 137–38
positive feelings
arms up for, 110–11
eye behaviors showing, 179
eye flash displaying, 179–82
f lashbulb eyes showing, 179, 180
eye contact of, 216
walking speed/direction of, 77
preening, 101, 141–42
pressure marks, 114
primitive man, 27
problematic issue, 11
professionals, 207–8
protection of torso, 92
proxemics, spatial needs, 68
proximity issues, 75
psychological flight, 161–62
“pugilistic position,” 197
pupil dilation
brain’s visual information increased
from, 172–74
factors involved in, 181
positive emotions indicated by, 179
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