Organic Chemistry

(Dana P.) #1
Section 3.7 Thermodynamics and Kinetics 135

Mechanistic Tutorial:
Addition of HBr to an alkene

Progress of the reaction


Free energy Free energy

Progress of the reaction






transition state transition state


carbocation carbocation

>Figure 3.5
Reaction coordinate diagrams for
the two steps in the addition of HBr
to 2-butene: (a) the first step;
(b) the second step.


a. Which reaction has the greater equilibrium constant, one with a rate constant of
for the forward reaction and a rate constant of for the reverse reac-
tion or one with a rate constant of for the forward reaction and a rate constant
of for the reverse reaction?
b. If both reactions start with a reactant concentration of 1 M, which reaction will form the
most product?

Reaction Coordinate Diagram for the Addition
of HBr to 2-Butene
We have seen that the addition of HBr to 2-butene is a two-step reaction (Section 3.6).
The structure of the transition state for each of the steps is shown below in brackets.
Notice that the bonds that break and the bonds that form during the course of the reac-
tion are partially broken and partially formed in the transition state—indicated by
dashed lines. Similarly, atoms that either become charged or lose their charge during
the course of the reaction are partially charged in the transition state. Transition states
are shown in brackets with a double-dagger superscript.

A reaction coordinate diagram can be drawn for each of the steps in the reaction
(Figure 3.5). In the first step of the reaction, the alkene is converted into a carbocation
that is less stable than the reactants. The first step, therefore, is endergonic is
positive). In the second step of the reaction, the carbocation reacts with a nucleophile
to form a product that is more stable than the carbocation reactant. This step, therefore,
is exergonic (¢G°is negative).


CH 3 CH ++CH 3 CH CHCH (^3) +

CH 3 CHCH 2 CH 3
transition state

transition state
δ−Br Br
CH 3 CHCH+ 2 CH 3 + Br− CH 3 CHCH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CHCH 2 CH 3
1 10 -^3
10 -^2
1 10 -^31 10 -^5
Because the product of the first step is the reactant in the second step, we can hook
the two reaction coordinate diagrams together to obtain the reaction coordinate
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