Organic Chemistry

(Dana P.) #1
vitamin A


n this chapter,
we will look at the
reactions of compounds
that have two double bonds. Hydrocarbons
with two double bonds are called dienes, and
those with three double bonds are called trienes. Tetraeneshave four double bonds,
and polyeneshave many double bonds. Although we will be concerned mainly with
the reactions of dienes, the same considerations apply to hydrocarbons that contain
more than two double bonds.

Double bonds can be conjugated,isolated, or cumulated. Conjugated double
bondsare separated by one single bond. Isolated double bondsare separated by more
than one single bond. In other words, the double bonds are isolated from each other.
Cumulated double bondsare adjacent to each other. Compounds with cumulated
double bonds are called allenes.

oil of citronella
a diene

oil of ginger
a triene

  • selinene
    oil of celery
    a diene

  • carotene
    a polyene



Reactions of Dienes •

Ultraviolet and Visible

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