Australia 17 - Adelaide & South Australia (Chapter)

(Romina) #1

Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A



Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A



Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A





Just beyond the park’s southeast corner,
a one-hour, 1km return walk leads to the
Sacred ̈ Canyon ̈ Cultural ̈ Heritage ̈ Site,
with Aboriginal rock-art galleries featuring
animal tracks and designs.

1 ̈Sights ̈& ̈Activities
Bushwalking in the Flinders is an unforget-
table experience. Before you make happy
trails, ensure you’ve got enough water, sun-
screen and a hat, and tell someone where
you’re going and when you’ll be back. Pick
up the Bushwalking in Flinders Ranges
National Park brochure/map from the visi-
tors centre, detailing 19 park walks. Many of
the walks kick off at Wilpena Pound Resort.
For a look at Wilpena, the walk up to
Tanderra ̈Saddle (return 15km, six hours)
on the ridge of St ̈Mary ̈Peak on the Pound’s
rim is brilliant, though it’s a thigh-pounding
scramble at times. The Adnyamathanha peo-
ple request that you restrict your climbing to
the ridge and don’t climb St Mary Peak itself,
due to its traditional significance to them. If
you have time, take the longer outside track
for more eye-popping vistas. You can keep
going on the round trip (22km, nine hours),
camping overnight at Cooinda Camp.
The quick, tough track up to Mt ̈Ohlssen ̈
Bagge (return 6.5km, four hours) rewards
the sweaty hiker with a stunning panorama.
Good short walks include the stroll to Hills ̈
Homestead (return 6.5km, two hours), or
the dash up to the Wilpena ̈Solar ̈Power ̈
Station (return 500m, 30 minutes).
In the park’s north (50km north of
Wilpena Pound Resort), the Aroona ̈Ruins ̈
are the launch pad for a few less-trampled
walks. The Yuluna ̈Hike (return 8km, four
hours) weaves through a painterly stretch of
the ABC Ranges. The challenging Aroona–
Youngoona ̈Track (one way 15.5km, seven
hours) offers views of the Trezona and Hey-
sen Ranges; cool your boots overnight at
Youngoona camp site.

T ̈Tours
Wilpena Pound Resort (half-/full day from
$180/245) and Rawnsley Park Station (half-/
full day from $135/225) both run 4WD ̈
tours. There are also tour companies oper-
ating from Hawker.

Air ̈Wilpena ̈Scenic ̈Flights ̈ SCENICFLIGHTS
(%08-8648 0004;www �wilpenapound�com �au/sce
Flights from Wilpena Pound Resort.

Central ̈Air ̈Services ̈ SCENICFLIGHTS
(%08-86480040;www �centralairservices�com �au;
flights 20min/30min/1hr $160/180/350) Scenic
flights from Rawnsley Park Station.

4 ̈Sleeping ̈& ̈Eating
Permits for bush ̈ camping (per  person/car
$7/13) within the national park (ie outside
the resort) are available from either the visi-
tor information centre or self-service booths
along the way. Trezona, Aroona and Brachi-
na East have creek-side sites among big gum
trees; Youngoona in the park’s north is a
good base for walks. Remote Wilkawillina is
certainly the quietest spot.

oWilpena ̈Pound ̈Resort ̈ RESORT$$$
(%08-86480004,1800 805 802; www �wilpenapound�
com �au; WilpenaRd via Hawker;unpowered/powered
sites  $22/32, permanent tent  with/without linen
$97/75,d$224-288;aiWs) Accommodation
at this plush resort includes motel-style
rooms, upmarket self-contained suites, and
a great (although hugely popular) camp
site. If you don’t have your own camping
gear, there are permanent tents sleeping
five. Purchase your camping permit at the
visitors centre, which also sells petrol and
basic (and expensive) groceries. Don’t miss
a swim in the pool, happy hour at the bar
(5pm to 6pm) and dinner at the excellent
bistro (mains $19 to $29 − the roo is the
best we’ve ever had!).

Rawnsley ̈Park ̈Station ̈ RESORT$$
(%08-8648 0030, caravan park  08-8648 0008,
restaurant08-86480126;www �rawnsleypark�com �
au;  Wilpena Rd  via  Hawker; unpowered/powered
sites $22/33,hostels/d/f from $50/75/95,cabins/
units/villasfrom $90/130/370;ai) This rangy
homestead, 35km from Hawker just south
of the national park, runs the accommoda-
tion gamut from tent sites to luxe eco-villas.
There are also some caravan-park cabins set
up as dorms, managed by the YHA (www�yha �
com �au). Also on offer is a range of outback
activities including mountain-bike hire (per
hour $15), bushwalks (30 minutes to four
hours), hot-air ballooning, 4WD tours and
scenic flights. The Woolshed Restaurant
(mains $10 to $40, open noon to 2pm and
6pm to 8pm) does bang-up bush tucker,
plus curries, seafood and pizzas.

88 Information
Wilpena Pound Visitor Information Centre
(%08-86480048,1800 805 802; www �
wilpenapound�com �au; WilpenaPoundResort;
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