Australia 17 - Adelaide & South Australia (Chapter)

(Romina) #1
Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A


Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A


Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A



was rediscovered when a dugout home
punched through into the labyrinth of tun-
nels, which now makes a great tour. There’s
also a museum, a re-created 1920s under-
ground home, and free mining-equipment
demos daily (9.30am, 1.30pm and 3.30pm).

Dugout ̈Homes ̈& ̈Churches
It gets hot here in summer − it makes sense
to live underground! Even if it’s a stinker out-
side, subterranean temperatures never rise
above 23°C, and air-conditioning isn’t neces-
sary. The same goes for churches (miners are
big on faith and hope).

Faye’s ̈Underground ̈
(Old WaterTank  Rd;  adult/child $5/2 �50; h8am-
5pm  Mon-Sat Mar-Oct) Faye’s was hand dug
by three women in the 1960s. It’s a little
chintzy, but the living-room swimming pool
is a winner!

Serbian ̈Orthodox ̈Church ̈ CHURCH
(Saint Elijah  Dr,  off  Flinders St;  admission $5;
h24hr) The largest and most impressive un-
derground church, with rock-wall carvings.
It’s about 8km south of town.

St ̈Peter ̈& ̈Paul ̈Catholic ̈Church ̈ CHURCH
(cnr  Halliday Pl  & Hutchison St; h10am-4pm)
F Coober Pedy’s first church still has a
sweet appeal.

Catacomb ̈Anglican ̈Church ̈ CHURCH
(CatacombRd; h24hr) F Remote sermons
beamed onto a big screen.

Other ̈Sights
You can’t miss the Big ̈Winch, from which
there are sweeping views over Coober Pedy
and towards the Breakaways. An optimis-
tic ‘if’ painted on the side of the big bucket
sums up the town’s spirit.
Leftover sets and props from the movies
that have been filmed here are littered around
town. Check out the amazing spaceship
from Pitch Black, which has crash landed
outside the Opal Cave shop on Hutchison St.

T ̈Tours

Arid ̈Areas ̈Tours ̈ WILDERNESS
(%08-8672 3008; www �aridareastours�com;
2/4/6hrtours per 2people$100/200/420) Offers
4WD tours around town, extending to the
Painted Desert and the Breakaways.

Desert ̈Cave ̈Tours ̈ SIGHTSEEING
(%08-8672 5688; www �desertcave�com �au;  4hr
tour per person$90) A convenient highlight

tour taking in the town, the Dog Fence,
Breakaways and Moon Plain. Also on offer
are four-hour ‘Down ’N’ Dirty’ opal-digging
tours (per person $105).

Mail ̈Run ̈Tour ̈ GUIDEDTOUR
(%08-86725226,1800 069 911; www �mailruntour�
com) Coober Pedy–based full-day mail-run
tours through the desert and along the Ood-
nadatta Track to Oodnadatta and William
Creek return ($195).

(%08 8670 7997; www �opalair�com �au; flightsper
personfrom $470) Half-day scenic flights ex-
Coober Pedy winging over Lake Eyre, Wil-
liam Creek and the Painted Desert.

Oasis ̈Tours ̈ SIGHTSEEING
(%08-86725169; 3hr tour adult/child$45/22�50)
A good budget tour taking in the major town
sights plus a little fossicking. Two-hour sun-
set Breakaways tours ($50/25) also swing by
the Dog Fence and the Moon Plain. Run by
BIG4 Oasis Coober Pedy caravan park.

Coober ̈Pedy ̈Tours ̈ SIGHTSEEING
(%08-86725223;www �cooberpedytours�com; 4hr
tour adult/child$70/35) A wandering tour that
includes an underground home, fossicking,
the Breakaways, an underground church,
the Dog Fence and an active opal mine.
Stargazing and Breakaways sunset tours
also available. Run by Radeka Downunder

4 ̈Sleeping
Down ̈to ̈Erth ̈B&B ̈ B&B $$
(%08-86725762; www �downtoerth�com �au; Monu-
ment Rd; dincl breakfast$160, extra person$25;
s) A real dugout gem 4km from town,
where you can have your own subterra-
nean two-bedroom bunker. There’s a shady
plunge pool for cooling off after a day ex-
ploring the Earth, and a telescope for explor-
ing the universe.

Underground ̈Motel ̈ MOTEL$$
(%08-8672 5324; www �theundergroundmotel�
com �au;  Catacomb Rd;  s/d/f  incl  breakfast from
$125/135/182;a) Choose between standard
rooms and suites (with separate lounge
and kitchen) at this serviceable spot with a
broad Breakaways panorama. It’s a fair walk
from town, but friendly and affordable.

Desert ̈Cave ̈Hotel ̈ HOTEL$$$
(%08-8672 5688; www �desertcave�com �au;  Lot
1 Hutchison St;  s & d $250, extra  person $35;
aiWs) For a much-needed shot of desert
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