Believing That You Can

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Someone or Something I Admire

me advice and never let me down because she is a real
friend. She plays many different roles in my life and her
being able to be my friend is the most important one.
Without her being there, I would be lost. To admire
someone is to appreciate everything that person has done
for you. In my case, I admire my biggest blessing, my
mother. She has become an amazing woman, she is always
there for me, and we have built an outstanding friendship. I
thank God every single day for letting me have such a
wonderful person in my life.

Jennifer Blanco is a student at The English Center. Her teacher is Mrs.
Elena Jakubowicz.

The Person I Admire
The person I admire the most throughout my life is my
mother. She has always been a strong woman and did the
best she could to help me become a better person. I
appreciate her first of all for being my mother and being
there for me through good times and bad. I am very
grateful for having a great mom who understands me and
loves me for who I am. This is priceless. She means the
world to me. She really means the world to me. So I try to
keep her happy with a positive attitude. When she is happy,
I feel the same way. One of the best feelings for me is to see
my mother happy and excited. This really pushes me and
drives me to be a better person. She is really my inspiration
and my queen; without her, I wouldn’t be in this world.

My mother is a wonderful woman. She is the best
mother that I could ever have. She is the one person in my
life that I can trust the most. I can tell my mother anything
in the world and she'll understand me. I'm glad that she is
my mother. I feel like I have the best mother in the whole
world. She is my queen and hero at the same time. She
always pushes me to do the best of my ability; this is what
keeps me going. I know my mother wants the whole family
to succeed in life. She always believes in everyone in the
family and never gives up on us. A matter of fact, she keeps

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