Believing That You Can

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How Life in My Home Country Differs from Life in the US

is the same. We raise our own cows, sheeps, and pigs right
in our very own back yard.

Our foods are always fresh and taste so good. The
food here in the United States has to be purchased from the
grocery store. So sometimes, it’s not always fresh. The
vegetables are over ripened, or their shelf life does not last
long. The beef and chicken is tough because it is raised too
fast with chemicals. The United States is a great place to
live. It offers all types of opportunities to have a better life.
You can earn your education and have a better paying job to
support your family. However, the food is different. I like to
grow my vegetables in my yard for freshness and for good
taste. I also like raising my beef, pork, and chicken in my
yard without chemicals. Oh, the food taste so much better
this way, you should try it.

Maribel Sangines is a student at Dunbar Community School.

Life in My Home Country is Different
I was born in Haiti but grew up in Guadelaya (a French
Island) which I call my home country. I left Haiti when I
was 5 years old and spent all my life in Guadelaya. I went
to school there and had my first job, my first boyfriend, and
learned how to live an adult life. In other words, I became a
woman. By the age of 29, I decided to change my life
around and wanted to see something else, other than the
usual. At home, it was always the same day: go to work, go
back home, and spend time with family and friends. That
was my life, boring maybe, but life was good.

I decided to come to the U.S.A. for something better.
Life can be better here, that’s what everybody was saying. I
came here with no family, no friends, all by myself. I had
to start all over, make new friends and find a job. At this
point, it wasn’t perfect and I missed home. The time passed;
I learned the language, met new people and met my
boyfriend. Now I have two beautiful boys that I am very
proud of and they are the best thing in my life. But my
professional life is a disaster because I never had my legal
papers to make a good life here. It is a struggle! I can’t say
my life is better here, but it could be if I have the

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