Progressed positions are computed by a complex series of periods, which follow the basic
series of South Node 7, Venus 20, Sun 6, Moon 10, Mars 7, North Node 18, Jupiter 16,
Saturn 19, Mercury 17. The figures give the duration of the period in years. These are divided
into 9 subperiods ruled in the same order, but beginning in each case with the planet's own
subperiod. The sub-periods are again divided into inter-periods, ruled according to the same
method and by the same series. These are applied to the Mansions of the Moon (qv.).
Home, Day or Night. v. House, Diurnal.
Homodromi (fellow-runners). Applied to the internal, or variously called minor or inferior,
planets Mercury and Venus, which have a maximum elongation from the Sun of
approximately 28° and 46° respectively.
Honors. These refer to the Sun and Midheaven and their radical aspects, as indicating the
degrees of fame and of honor to which a person is predestined. The Luminaries in an Angle
and well-aspected is a sign of high honors. Jupiter rising, or in the Mid-heaven, shows a high
degree of prestige. Saturn similarly placed denies credit and renown, however much
deserved. Rising planets show aspirations to honors and high ambition, but the outcome of
such aspirations depends on which planet first culminates. If the majority of the planets are
oriental to the Sun and occidental to the Moon the native will arrive at authority and
accumulate wealth. The term is seldom employed by modern authorities.
Horary Astrology. The art of interpreting the relationship between cosmic phenomena
resulting from the ordered motions of the celestial bodies, and a thought, situation or event. It
deals successfully only with concrete, well-defined queries, and its validity is subject to
question when the particular problem to be analyzed is hazy in the mind of the querent, or ill-
defined in its presentation to the astrologer.
Since the Horary Figure centers around the person of the querent and his consciousness at the
time of the query, a clear concept of the problem for which a solution is sought is essential if
the heavens are faithfully to reflect the question and portray the outcome. If the query is
correctly conceived the resultant Figure is presumed to provide the correct answer, showing
the manner in which the subsequent motions of the planets will mold events to their eventual
culmination. This does not infer that cosmic influences will suspend the operation of the law
of cause and effect, or deny the exercise of free-will; but the heavenly bodies through their
House and Sign positions and the qualities they assume in the Figure will indicate the precise