Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1

people, the masses; their prosperity and health, or the reverse; their national traits and habits;
the country's interior affairs; the public consciousness and collective expression; the
psychology of the masses, their reactions and conditions.

In a Political Campaign: the majority.

In a Contest: the public favorite; the holder of the title; the one who is challenged; the
decision or decisions of the referee.

In a Lawsuit: the defendant; also the decision or sentence of the Court.

In an Organization: its personnel - including the stockholders and all who work for the
company in any capacity; the company's morale and its attitude toward its competitors.

House, Second.

In a Nativity: Repository of the native's strongest desires, it determines the quality of the life-
substance used by the Ego - that which the Life is dedicated to redeem; the heredity and
social background with which the native is equipped for the pursuit of his destiny, and the
bodily chemistry of metabolism; secret thoughts and desires; financial standing, money,
moveable property and possessions, the gain or loss and the income derived therefrom;
earning and spending capacities, personal debts; the manner in which he meets his obligations.

In a Mundane Figure: The nation's wealth; taxation revenue, stocks, bonds, shares, and all
places and activities connected in any way with money, such as banks, stock exchanges, trade
and commerce; the national exports; taxing power, as distinct from the manner in which the
taxes affect the people; the purchasing power of the nation, its national expenditures and
receipts, currency and its circulation and liquid assets; hence the wealth and prosperity of the
people as measured by their collective earning and buying power; investors and their
investments, and those who buy stocks and bonds for investment rather than for speculation.

In a National Figure: the Treasury.

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