dependent upon which parent has most authority over the native. Thus there is need for
extended documentation on the subject.
In a Mundane Figure: Circumstances and events affecting real estate values, mines and their
products, buildings, crops, produce and all agricultural interests, including those of the
owners of and workers on the land; miners, builders, the housing and living conditions of the
people, and their patriotic inclinations; the land as a locality wherein people are subject to
natural forces - terrestrial as distinguished from atmospheric - hence property damages
resulting from floods, earthquakes, and mining disasters; the interests of the people as
distinguished from those of the government and of the governing class; and democratic as
against autocratic tendencies in government, and between governments.
In a National Figure: the Opposition Party, and those individuals who cooperate with or
oppose the Chief Executive; the characteristics of any governmental opposition, and the time
such opposition may be expected to culminate.
In Ingress, Lunation and Full Moon Figures a planet close to the cusp of this House will
affect the weather according to its nature and aspects; and if it be a malefic and powerfully
aspected, it will profoundly affect the government.
In a Court of Law: the Jury.
In a Contest: the arena of action; the judges as distinguished from the referee; the end of the
In an Organization: its real estate investments and holdings; its base of operations or field of
activity; the location and condition of factory or office buildings it owns or occupies.
House, Fifth.
In a Nativity. The conception of offspring; hence the exteriorization of Self through all
manner of creative and procreative urges and activities; recreational, and other pleasurable
impulses of mind and heart; mental offspring, such as creative, artistic or literary output;
gambling and financial speculations; the operations of the laws of chance - in so far as its
effects are under the native's control. As the abode of the heart, it has to do with all impulses