Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1

Masculine Degrees. According to H. L. Cornell, M.D., these are:

Aries: 8-15-30

Leo: 5-15-30

Sagittarius: 2-12-30

Taurus: 11-21-30

Virgo: 12-30

Capricorn: 11-30

Gemini: 16-26

Libra: 5-20-30

Aquarius: 5-21-27

Cancer: 2-10-23-30

Scorpio: 4-17-30

Pisces: 10-23-30

Should the Ascendant be in one of these degrees the native, even if a woman, will be of masculine appearance in some

Masculine planets. v. Planets.

Masculine Signs. v. Signs, Masculine and Feminine.

Maternal Signs. v. Signs.

Matutine, Matutinal. Said of Moon, Mercury and Venus when they appear in the morning. When a star or planet rises
before the Sun in the morning, it is called matutine until it reaches its first station (q.v.), where it becomes Retrograde
(q.v.). The Moon is matutine until it passes its first Dichotome. v. Orientality.

Maya. Illusion. An oriental concept that nothing is what it appears to be: that a man, for example, who exhibits an
unruly disposition is only suffering the penalty for deeds committed in a previous incarnation, because of which his
spirit is destined in this incarnation to life in a body which fights against itself: hence is entitled to sympathy rather
than censure. It is the oriental approach to what to the Occidental is philosophy. The astrological concept is not so
much a matter of Karma as of the Omar picture of the vase marred because the potter's hand slipped: the accident of an
unfavorable birth moment that subjects the native to a conflict of forces, and entitles him to forbearance in case he is
unable to summon to his aid spiritual strength sufficient to resolve the conflict.

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