Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1

Philosophy. Literally, the love for and the pursuit of knowledge, and its application to daily
affairs; in actual usage the knowledge of phenomena as explained by and resolved into
reasons and causes, sources and forces and the laws applicable thereto. The philosophical
attitude is generally associated with a Jupiter accent.

Philosopher's Stone. An imaginary substance through the means of which the ancient
alchemists sought to transmit baser metals into gold. Probably an early concept of a catalytic
agent. Used in occult terminology to indicate the power by which all life evolves and through
which all minds and souls realize a mutual kinship. It signified the highest aspirations and the
purest ideologies of altruism.

Phoenon. Greek name for Saturn. (q.v.)

Pisces. The twelfth sign of the zodiac. v. Signs.

Planets, Classifications of.

Androgynous planet. Mercury, because both dry and moist.

Barren and fruitful. Barren: Mars, Saturn, Uranus. Fruitful: Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter,
Neptune. Moderately fruitful: Mercury.

Benefic and Malefic. Benefic: Venus and Jupiter, particularly when not afflicted. Some
authorities include the Sun, Moon and Mercury, if favorably aspected. Malefic: The
infortunes, Mars and Saturn, and by some modern authorities, Uranus and Neptune, whether
afflicted or otherwise. Mercury unfavorably aspected is deemed a malefic with respect to
money, law and marriage. Modern authorities consider no planet can be truly termed a
malefic, except insofar as its vibrations are improperly applied, and is dependent largely upon
its aspects for the nature of its operation.

Cold and hot. Cold: The Moon and Saturn; also, according to Sepharial, Mercury and
Uranus. Hot: Sun, Mars. Warm: Venus, Jupiter, Neptune.

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