which marks off the hours, while the latter are like the long hand which marks off the exact
Although Alan Leo wrote an imposing volume on the "Progressed Horoscope" he says in his
Dictionary that "the question of the progressed birthday at the rate of a day for a year needs
Progressive Solar Revolution. A map similar to the Solar Revolution (q.v.) erected for the
moment of the Sun's return to the exact location it occupied on the equivalent birth hour of a
date determined by adding one day to the birth date for each year of life up to the year for
which the p.s.r. figure is to be erected. From the computed longitude of the Sun, refer to the
ephemeris of the current year for the calculation of the planets' places, and aspects, Transits,
eclipses and lunations in important places of the p.s.r. map are deemed by some authorities to
have great significance.
Prohibition. v. Frustration.
Promittor. A planet, to which a significator may be "directed" in order to form an aspect
between the "progressed position" of the Significator and the "birth position" of the promittor,
whereby certain events or conditions are promised as concerns the significator so directed.
The distance the significator must travel to form this aspect is termed the "arc of direction," to
be reduced to time, usually at the rate of 1° for a year and 5' for a month.
Proper Motion. (1) Said of the motion of planet in space, as compared to any apparent
motion which results from any movement of the Earth: either axial rotation, annual
revolution, or the motion through space of our entire solar system. (2) Loosely applied to the
direct motion of a planet through the signs, in distinction to the diurnal rising and setting
caused by the Earth's rotation.
Prophecy. The ability to foretell the future. According to occult teachings anyone who is able
to prophecy accurately must be psychically equipped to read the Akashic, or astral, records.
When there is faulty interpretation it is not the astral light which falters but the adept who is
not in tune with the vibratory beam.
Proportional Arcs. Additional sensitive degrees proposed by Sepharial on the theory that
each planet has a point of influence at the same distance on the opposite side of the radical