Solomon's Temple. Solomon, Son of David, by Bathsheba, King of Israel in the 10th century B.C., was noted
for his superior wisdom, and his great wealth. To the great temple he built at Jerusalem has been attributed
many symbolic interpretations. In occult literature the human body, as developed by divine principle, is
referred to as Solomon's Temple.
Solstices. The points in the Ecliptic at which the Sun is at its greatest distance north or south of the Equator, so-
called because the Sun then appears to stand still. The Summer Solstice occurs when the Sun is at 0° Cancer,
about June 21; the Winter Solstice, at 0° Capricorn, about December 21.
South Latitudes. Those south of the celestial equator. In utilizing the Table of Houses for South Latitudes,
change the signs to their opposites: Aries becomes Libra, and so on.
Southern Signs. v. Northern Signs.
Spectroscope. A device whereby to disperse and separate a beam of radiation into its component wave lengths.
Spectroscopic observation of moving bodies shows that with an approaching body there is a shift to the violet
end, while with a receding body the shift is toward the red end: the angular amount of the shift proportional to
the velocity of motion of the light source and inversely to the wave length and velocity of the light. This is a
confirmation of the altered astrological influence resulting from motion toward or away from a gravitational
center, and with or contra to the orbital motion of the controlling body.
Speculum. A table appended to a horoscope, comprising its astronomical elements: the planets' latitude,
declination, Right Ascension, Ascensional Difference, Pole and Semi-arc. It is employed in the practice of
directing by Primary Directions (q.v.) as taught by Ptolemy.
Sphere. A globe. Also applied to a planet's orbit.
Sphinx. The most famous sphinx in Greek mythology was that of Thebes in Boetia, mentioned by Hesiod. It
was symbolic of the fixed types of the four elements: the body of a bull - Taurus; the feet and tail of a lion -
Leo; the wings of the eagle - Scorpio; a human head - Aquarius. Variations are found in all parts of the ancient
world, showing its art influence upon those who knew naught of its symbolic significance. of interest is the
parallel found in Ezekiel's description of the Markaba. (Ez. 1:10.)
Square. n. A separation of 900 between any bodies or zodiacal points (v. aspect). Syn. quartile.
Square, vb. Moving to form an aspect, through an arc of approximately 7 degrees, according to the bodies
involved, on either side of the point where their Longitudinal separation becomes exactly 90 degrees.
Standard Time. v. Time.